I am back on the Harley Quinn animated series. It’s my new weekly watch. I think I am one of four people still watching it and it’s very dumb but I love it very much and adore the lesbian moments and the sort of villain-of-the-week vibe they have going on now.

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I saw a preview for Landman where Billy Bob Thornton’s ex-wife is upset with him and he asks her what phase they are in her menstrual cycle … TV is for the times …

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yes, the whole show is very *that*

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I have been continuing my Tana French binge read, I am on the second last of her books and then I have NOTHING LEFT! honestly, I read a review where they said that if she wasn't writing thrillers she would be winning awards for her writing. Its true. Her books are evocative and sink deep into you. also they are all based in Ireland/Dublin, and seeing the world I grew up in in these books, its jarring. So many of her characters feel like people I have met in real life. Broken Harbour is a book that has buried deep into my mind and will never leave.

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Adding Tara French to my list!!

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*writing this blocking a disgusting sweatpants bulge in my face on the subway* I finally found The Knick streaming and am loving every second of it as a born-in-NY-grew-up-in-Florida recent retransplant. Just started season 2, and the bloody medical advancements, period semi-historical plot lines, and drug addiction is feeding me.

Also Below Deck Down Under finally came back with an even more unhinged crew. Episode 1 premiered last Tuesday and the drama is already boiling over. The crew is very skilled (unlike the last Sailing Yacht season) which creates a different and IMO more entertaining level of drama.

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I also read and loved The Noonday Demon and you described it so perfectly! It was both a very validating book and gave me a nice perspective shift (aka it could always be so much worse). One part that felt particularly dated was the general assumption that people are anti-medication. I feel like that's not happening as much anymore, thank goodness.

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Another late-to-the-game Severance watcher here! 👋🏼 I just started it a couple weeks ago and have been sending my real time reactions to my cousin (who’d been kindly harassing me for years to watch it). It’s nice to feel hooked on/caught up in a very immersive (weekly!) tv viewing experience, even if certain elements of the show don’t always work for me.

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Yes. I'm curious what doesn't work for you! Sometimes it's so surreal and I want it to be more grounded. Also White Lotus is back this Sunday, if you watch that.

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Margo’s got money troubles is SO SO good right!!! My impressions of Rufi Thorpe’s other books: The Knockout Queen is great too, although definitely more upsetting, and The Girls from Corona del Mar was actually too disturbing for me to finish lol

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after having zero interest for most of my life i find myself as an adult loving to wade into an action movie - while i love many forms of turn off the brain viewing, these encourage me to be off the phone to not miss fighting/explosions.

other than my faves, the fast and furious saga (fast 5 with the rock and the ending safe scene being the best one) - in january i watched voleuses (wingwomen) on netflix with two very homoerotic women thieves and One Last Job and it was brilliant. esp after i figured out after the first 10 minutes that it was originally in french and netflix had automatically gone to english dub and could switch. suppposedly these women aren't gay but like literally they are.

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Yes, thank you for articulating this recent shift in my viewing habits. You do have to pay attention because someone is going to get killed in a surprising way. Adding Voleuses to my list.

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We were also on the “worst cold this winter” and Severance timeline in Rutland County. I made mine worse by working too much, and driving my flatlander RWD 90s Toyota truck (no snow tires) in the snow on Friday night. Surprisingly almost everyone else was also driving 30 mph though and I kept it on the road.

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I feel like people in Vermont are really safe drivers in the snow! In the midwest, people do not slow down and there are always cars off the road during the first big storm. I hope you feel better soon, we were truly knocked on our asses here in Barre.

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My girlfriend and I are stuck in on the free streaming app Pluto. We’ve saved some particularly quality cozy viewing channels such as, “Antiques Road Trip”, “Antiques Roadshow”, “Supermarket Sweep”, and “British Comedy”. The latter channel introduced her to the show “Taskmaster”, a wild competition show that has comedians completing bizarre tasks for points. Everyone does the task in their own way, which usually has hilarious results. Would recommend any/all of this content. 😄

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Louis in the blanket 🥺

I read a book called Disney High that reminded me of Liz' views on child entertainers. It was so interesting as someone who grew up watching Disney channel shows! I talked about it with EVERYONE in the weeks I was reading it and also went back to rewatch high school musical, Even Stevens, and many more classics from Disney channel's golden era. Highly recommend the audiobook as it was narrated by Lalaine from Lizzie McGuire!

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This sounds so interesting, I'm adding it to the list. I've written about this multiple times on the newsletter, but I really liked I'm Glad My Mom Died which is Jennette McCurdy's memoir about her time at Nickelodeon.

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